
How To Create Simple Website Using Node Js

Create a Single Page Website using Node.js and Express.js

Ankit Maheshwari

To build a Website in Node.js we will use Express.js framework. Any other framework can also be used but Express.js is very popular when using Node.

What to cover in this Article:

#1) Installations.
#2) Create new Node.js Project with Express.js
#3) Create routes using Express.
#4) Testing — to make sure everything is working.

Express application generator:

To quickly create an application skeleton. You may use this application generator tool (`express-generator`). The application generator uses npx command (available in Node.js newer versions).
→ Click here to know more about Express application generator.

We will not use express-generator in this article, instead we will create everything by ourself to avoid extra files generated from generator and to understand in depth.

#2) Create New Project (using Node.js with Express.js)

Create a new folder (at the place you want to keep your project).
Name that folder: node-ex-website

Create two files inside node-ex-website folder:
package.json file.
server.js file.

Create a folder (name: express) and a file inside node-ex-website/express folder:
node-ex-website/express/index.html file.

Open up and update your node-ex-website/package.json file with below code:

"name": "node-ex-website",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"scripts": {
"start": "node server.js"
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.17.1"

Open up and update your node-ex-website/server.js file with below code:

            const http = require('http');
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const app = express();
// default URL for website
app.use('/', function(req,res){
//__dirname : It will resolve to your project folder.
const server = http.createServer(app);
const port = 3000;
console.debug('Server listening on port ' + port);

After creating above two files, open your terminal in the "node-ex-website" folder and run this command:

            npm install          

This command ↑ will install the dependencies defined in "package.json" file.
(You may use VS Code - A code editor↓).

After dependency installation this will create "node_modules" folder at the root of the "node-ex-website" folder.

Template (index.html)

Replace your → node-ex-website/express/index.html file with code below, or you may use your own template.

You may also add all your static files inside express folder like…
node-ex-website/express/css and node-ex-website/express/js

node-ex-website/express/index.html file

Run Project

We have just created a Node-Express Project 😍 Let's start a server.
To start a server run this command:

            npm start          

To test this API — Open your web browser and enter this URL → localhost:3000

Done! 🤩 It's that simple to Create a Website using Node.js and Express.js

See you later 👋👋

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How To Create Simple Website Using Node Js


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