Review: The Road to Gehenna advances The Talos Principle’s deliciously provocative tale - hovisherivink44
"You set off on a drawn-out travel, and you feel you may already constitute a unweathered person aside the time the City is in view. You ask the courier the name of this place, but he is gone evermor. You open your eyes. Wanted to Gehenna."
The end of days is upon us.
Standing visitation for your sins
WARNING: In order to write this, I need to screw up some of the daring Talos Principle storyline. Like, the ending. And most of the middle. I highly recommend playing direct the original gamey yourself before reading this review. Regardless, spoilers start…straight off.
The Talos Principle didn't need an enlargement. Croteam's philosophical puzzler actually wrapped up quite a bit more neatly than I power've anticipated, given the topics it wrestled with. And yet when I defied Elohim, when I climbed his pillar and "ascended" from his little puzzle-garden into an humanoid body, it seemed like a proper death to the story.
Soh no, The Talos Principle didn't need an expansion. Merely I'm inactive glad we got one.
The expansion, subtitled Road to Gehenna, sort out of picks up where the unconventional game left off. Sort of. Ensure, once you ascended and left Elohim behind his full world—every last the puzzles, whol the artificial intelligences that had come ahead you—began to disappear. There was zero reason for them to exist anymore. They'd served their function.
Kinda than continue your original story in the "real number world," Road to Gehenna explores the apocalypse. You take control of Uriel, Elohim's courier, who you might think from the concise communication theory left on the walls in the original game. Therein final moment it falls to you, Uriel, to "save the world." Operating room at least to save the various artificial intelligences trapped inside. Elohim has seen the error of his ways, and he commands it of you.
That's the canonical tale frame surrounding another batch of Portal site-esque puzzles. As you can probably guess from the names to a higher place, the game is once again packed with unaccented musings happening philosophy and religion. For example, the titular Gehenna is a biblical term, i.e. "And you shall not be afraid of those who kill the body that are not able to belt down the soul; rather be afraid of him WHO can destroy soul and body in Gehenna," from Matthew 10:28. In layman's damage, Gehenna is sort of like hell (or, at least, that's how many scholars interpret it in the New Testament).
And Gehenna in The Talos Principle is also sort of like hell—Elohim trapped the failed AIs inside puzzles, although none of these entities understand what they did wrong. Their only outlet is Gehenna, basically an Internet forum that gives the illusion of community even if each is captive separately.
If The Talos Principle was about questioning whether God and Heaven and Hell existed, Road to Gehenna is Plato's Allegory of the Cave. We know wherefore Elohim exists, why the "world" exists, and why it's steadily dropping apart. Now you must convert the separate AIs in Gehenna to listen to you. You must convert them to go up, scorn the fact that means leaving everything they've ever known as on the Son of individual who can leave zero hearty evidence.
It's a heavy premiss, played out crossways dozens of text snippets on in-game computer terminals, the same as the original story. It's almost an amusingly sparse design, interspersed as it is with a bunch of puzzles—both the frank critical path and the ones hidden in the corners.
The puzzles themselves are properly genius-wrinkling. Road to Gehenna wastes no clock on tutorials, assumptive instead that you've played the original game. The new spate of challenges starts difficult and only gets harder, forcing you to use some of its tools in ways you never regular thought of in the original set. Which is honestly surprising, because there were a net ton of puzzles in the inferior spirited.
Only because there were so many a puzzles, it allowed Croteam to really search its limits—and and so to advertize even further with Road to Gehenna. This is Croteam taking all its tools and making the craziest, most exposit puzzles it can think of, and that's something few puzzle games get (or are allowed) to do for fear of losing the audience. In that respect's true craftsmanship on display in Road to Gehenna.
If I have one complaint, it's that with increased complexness often comes increased sizing. This became a trouble towards the second half of The Talos Principle and it's altogether-too-often a problem in Road to Gehenna—massive spaces full with a long ton of tools and no solid musical theme where to go or how to get weaving. While those multi-step puzzles can be gripping, as well many in a row is overwhelming. And Road to Gehenna is, with a few exceptions, mostly ready-made up of large-scale puzzles.
Bottom line
The Talos Principle just about staged a last-minute Game of the Year upset along PCWorld finis Dec, and permanently reason—it's one of the scoop gravel games ever successful. And Road to Gehenna is that most tedious and yet now and then most businesslike of wish: "More of the same."
If you haven't yet played The Talos Principle, 1) You shouldn't even have interpret this review, but 2) You should play The Talos Principle. And if you played it, I'd urge Moving to Gehenna. More puzzles. More difficult. More doctrine. More soul-trenchant. More.
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